virgin blogger alert
never thought i was particularly articulate, and generally an utter failure with journals, but will give it a shot. the question remains - how intimate does one get with these blogs? if the point is for others to read them do i want to open my heart and completely spill my guts? and if not - if we are writing just to be clever and cute, then what's the point? we put up a front which we think people will see and tend to hide the raw honesty which may not be so pretty.. can we be truly honest? to ourselves let alone a shoutout to the interminable worldwide web?
raw honesty sounds courageous and more interesting to me but then clever and cute has been known to sell a magazine or two- and why not? if it enthuses your creativity if only in the clever/cute mode then i say no harm no foul, but i pay special homage to the more insightful comments of the gutsy blogger. all hail the naked truth. you rock girlie!
be bold- write another post, your public needs to know!
Cute post name. See you are witty without even realizing it. It is hard to meet a virgin of anything these days. Your vulnerability makes you attractive. Everyone loves an attractive person.
I followed this link from the Intrigant's blog, hope you dont mind. But, a friend of a friend just seems like someone I want to know better.
Blogging is the journal keeping of our times. It is all the rave amongst the younger crowd (13-21). I have lived 4 decades and have problems meeting people of my generation out here, so I welcome you my friend to a new world, one uncharted and needing our mark.
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