Saturday, November 05, 2005

instant gratification

i want what i want when i want it - and i want it now!

spoiled brat? or assertive new yorker?
patience is a virtue, but in today's 'click and you shall receive' internet existence, who has time for patience?

i have centered my life around being able to obtain immediate feedback or instant gratification. in my job - i do x, i see result y - there's no days of waiting - hours at most.. i live in a metropolis where any craving can be satisfied - whether it's for afghan firnee, dominican mofongo, korean bibimbap, or turkish lachmajoun - give me 20 minutes and i'm there. music, arts, theater - there is always something out there to stay the boredom police. even in my relationship, i am made fun of - that there is no delaying gratification (how like a man!) - well, at least in the bedroom...

so does this make me childish or immature or spoiled? does it make me want to continue to be disorganized, directionless, and indecisive?

patience, sparrow..
..but it just feels so good to get it now!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can we un-learn a learned behavior?
Do we really want/need to? If we all learned to delay gratification our current economic structure would crumble and we couldn't have this titillating conversation. Which answers the question of who spoiled us in the first place?

patience, sparrow..
get it while you can, you'll want something else tomorrow.

1:19 PM  
Blogger minako said...

patience can be learned with practice.. (practice takes patience - or vice versa?) but you're right - delayed gratification is not necessarily encouraged in our culture..

where else but new york can you place an order exactly how you want it? ...travelling with friends in the algarve - "we'd like the provencal omlette, but instead of cheese, can you make it mushrooms? and the grilled veggie sandwich - but no peppers or avocado, and the cobb salad with the dressing on the side?" the waitress replies - "'re from america, aren't you?"

5:25 PM  
Blogger intrigant said...

i dont think it makes you childish, spoiled, petulant, or peevish. i think it makes you and others like you extremely lucky.
patience sparrow- get what you can as long as no one loses an eye

7:20 PM  

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