in an interview at the white house earlier this month, president bush stated that schoolchildren should be taught about "intelligent design," a view of creationism that challenges the theory of evolution and promotes the idea that god is behind the development of humanity.
pennsylvania senator rick santorum, has argued that “intelligent design is a legitimate scientific theory that should be taught in science classes” and managed to slip the “teach the controversy” language into the no child left behind act.
what controversy??!? last i heard the monkey trial ended in 1925.
and "a legitamate scientific theory"? just because life is too complex to be explained or understood completely by science at this time does not necessitate invoking a designer. since when is the god explanation scientific theory? even if one believes in a designer, why must this exclude evolution? i.d. proponents may argue that a neutral-sounding "intelligence" is responsible for design, but it is clear that a deity - in particular, god as he is conceived of by certain conservative christians - is envisioned as the agent of design. this newly created 'controversy' has just been a clever ruse for appropriating scientific-sounding arguments to advance a moral and political agenda, one they hope to force into the public-school system. and have succeeded - they are actually teaching 'intelligent design' in the biology cirriculum in dover, pennsylvania.
it is mind-boggling that this is even an issue - that we need to defend the teaching of evolution over religion (disguised as science) in our public schools.
this brings up such anger at the present adminstration that i cant even express it. now we are going to teach fables to children and pass it off as science- made up tales that have no more validity than aesops whilst scorning the hard work of people who actually dedicated time and grey matter towards problem solving unlike the politicans currently in power who just fabricate and if something rocks them in the face that they dont like- why just deny it and it will go away. and there is such a loyal sheep following of these people that if you tell them something enough times- why sure it must be so- isnt it obvoius that iraq was behind 9/11? to those happy people- ignorance is bliss...
george bush has currently spent 20% of his time in office on vacation- who else gets that kind of down time?
Looks like the monkeys have made it an
issue again. If there is a god, he/she
must be shaking his head. "I allowed
them to evolve a brain and they prefer
to remain monkeys". Maybe ignorance
is indeed bliss, I hope not.
some people are so-o happy...
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