the quintessential american expression 'ok' is used and understood across the globe.
an english professor at columbia, allen walker read, traced the origins of this word back to the 1830's when jokes with language were popular. 'o.k.' started as a joke - an abbreviation for 'oll korrect' - which is ofcourse 'oll rong'. it was then picked up by the campaign of martin van buren, the 8th president - he was from kinderhook, ny - and nicknamed 'old kinderhook'. his political advisors seized the new catchphrase and 'it's o.k.' was thus popularized.
the term 'ok' captures the american free spirit - lightness, sans souci, it's all good, no worries. i don't think i've ever been this 'ok' in my life..
Sounds like you are in a happy place. Please send directions!
check out 'stages of development'.. ;)
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