Friday, February 03, 2006

the cabbie made my day

lousy day - for no particular reason.. arguing - with myself, at work.. leaving work late, past midnight - greeted by a cheery 'good morning!'.. salsa music on the way home.. the nicest comment i had all day - 'the world needs more people like you'.. i must remember, sometimes it's the littlest things in life..


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had a similar experience recently. I used to fly the old TWA every 2 weeks in & out of NY. There was this old man, and at my age old is really old, who worked for TWA. He was the gentlest, kindest, and most generous soul I believe I've ever encountered. I was lucky enough to befriend him and sought him out every time I went to the airport. American Airlines gobbled up TWA (the tried and true "if you can't beat them, buy them" formula), he lost his job and pension, 11 months from retirement. I continued traveling to NY, saddened each time of not getting to see my friend. Last weekend I was coming back to NY, I was at the lowest point of my life with personal problems, about to board
the plane, when I hear my name called out. I looked up and there was his smiling eyes coming towards me. He gave me a big hug and we sat down and caught up with each other.
It was exactly what I needed when I needed it most.

The little things in life come from each of us.

12:22 AM  
Blogger minako said...

welcome back leo.. i'm very sorry to hear that you were at the lowest point in your life - but if it's of any consolation, that's what friends, loved ones, and even the random cabbie is out there for.. humans for all their flaws are probably at their best for their ability to adapt, comfort, reach out, and empathize with others..

8:04 PM  
Blogger intrigant said...

you never know how profoundly your actions effect others, like leo says its the little things and thank goodness for them, every single one of them...

9:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whose blog am I at? Hope your day improves....would love to see you again!

12:29 PM  

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